Wednesday, August 27, 2014

SCU3 - To read changes to tables

Transaction SCU3 can be used to read changes to tables, this is useful with transactions such as WE20 (EDI partner profile as not all transactions include a charge history screen)
The system parameter rec/client must be activated  
rec/client = off
- Table change logging inactive
rec/client = all
Table change logging active in all clients  (See Warning below)
rec/client = <client 1>...
- Table change logging active in specified clients

Setting the REC/CLIENT parameter to All can seriously impair SAP system performance. SAP recommends you do not use the value All. You should limit automatic logging to one client

Within SE13 we can see the checkbox ‘Log data changes’ is assigned to a table

In an ECC 6 system running SE16 against DD09L shows approx. 31k tables with this flag activated (DD09L-PROTOKOLL EQ ‘X’) However these are generally customizing type tables (non-transportable)

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