Monday, March 17, 2014

Webservices tcodes


SRT_UTIL - To monitor web service calls  - > Click on 'Error Logs'
SRT_UTIL - We can configure (set up) logging for a user for particular service definitions - helps in logging (performance, functional, payloads). Set 'Functional trace' to 'Low' for user in Configuration tab. Then check in 'Funct Trace' tab for logs.

Webservices need to be set up in authorization role (if WEBUSER soesnt have SAP_ALL).
ST01 - this can be used to see what authorizations are missed for WEBUSER (user for webservices)

SMICM-> Goto->Tracefile->display all
SMICM -> Goto -> Trace level (Level 3 is highest)
SAP note 495911 - to trace errors for Logon problems
After setting logs (level 3), if you set system parameter (rz10) icn\trace_secured_data to '1' (TRUE), then you can see SSL data in logs.

SAP note 1292171 - Troubleshooting Guide: ABAP Web Services Runtime  (is good)

SOAMANAGER -  You can use this tcode as well to check logs (it is similar to SRT_UTIL)

SE80 - Go to 'Edit Object' and then check for Enterprice services - Service definition

STRUST -  To setup certificates  After the certificates are set , then do a restart of ICM(smicm->admin->ICM->Restart->Yes).

SICF - Maintain services

SMICM - ICM monitor   (SMICM-> Goto->Tracefile->display all , SMICM -> Admin->ICM->Restart  , SMICM->Goto->Connections )


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