Monday, March 31, 2014

FI Tcodes

OC41 - Maintain exchange rates

F-02 - G/L Account posting

O7E5/O7E6  - Maintain Fast entry screen

VKOA - Assign G/L accounts (Link to SD Pricing and accounting)

OBC4 - To setup Field status groups (To make a field mandatory in FB01/2/3 etc.. - you can assign FSG to G/L account through FS00 tcode)

FS00 - G/L account Edit  (to check changes in FS00 - go to last tab - information tab)

OB41 - Posting key accounting config - you can set config for posting key - (Using Field status, you can also make some fields mandatory)

EWCT -  Exchange rate conversion calculater

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

RFC Trace logs

tRFC trace :
(source link: )


TRFRCQIN and TRFCQOUT are the main tables that store this info. . Other important tables include ARFCSSTATE, ARFCSDATA, ARFCRSTATE, QREFTID.
The following link provides a list of RFC-related modules and programs:
Ths gives ways of monitoring the performance, but there is no report to say how many queues have processed in a timeframe, as far as I know (I'll double check this and confirm this by tomorrow). We've never found this to be the most helpful apporach in pefomance monitoring, anyalysis of RFC performance issues or load testing. Usually it's more meaningful to know rate of transfer of sales orders, or BPs etc which can be more easily checked and has more relevance to meeting your business requirements.
RFC logs are can be viewed in the dev_rfc* files in ST11, and the dev_rd (dispatcher log) is also a useful reference for RFC analysis

There is a performance check in RZ20:
SAP CRM Monitor Templates -> CRM Middleware. Here you will see specific perfomance for CRM inbound and outbound queues.
You can also use ST03 - this shows the workload at BDoc level under the 'CRM Workload' section.
There is no direct equivalent for the ECC. However, ST03 also does show the RFC load on each application server on the ECC side.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Web services Testing


SOAP UI is good tool to test web services.  Get 'binding WSDL' for the webservice from SOAMANAGER, and save it as xml file.
Open SOAP UI  -   create a new project  - give the wsdl file
To setup certificates - Go to File->Preferences->SSL certificates.  (check below link)


Go to SE80 -> Enterprise services -> Service definition -> give service definition name
Test (Click on 'Test')
Get template -> Edit and give parameters

Friday, March 21, 2014

CRM Middleware Tcodes

- R3AC1 for prepare/filter download Business Object -  contains filters
- R3AC3 for prepare/filter download Customizing Object
- R3AC5 for prepare/filter download Condition Object
- R3AS for starting download Business, Customizing and Condition Object
- R3AM1 for monitoring the object download.

- R3AR2 for defining manual download request
(while doing request load, remember setting ‘Delete’ flag in SMW01 - this helps in not processing bdoc again by mistake)
- R3AR4 for starting manual download request
- R3AR3 for monitoring manual download request
- SMOEAC - Admin console - Publication, Subscription etc..

- PIDE - R/3<->CRM Assign Account grp to BP classification

SMW01 - To monitor bdocs
SMW02A - To get all bdocs grouped with error messages
SMW20 - To reprocess in bulk - You can schedule this program every hour

FIBF - User exits


SAP HANA -  Explained in a good way in below link

Setup EDI idoc (Standard)

How to setup new EDI idoc (Standard)

Step 1:  Find relavant Idoc type and Message type - This is based on business process.
Dropbox -> CMS -> EDI Idocs -> 'EDI with EDIFACT - Mapping Types' doc can help  - Or just search in internet

Step 2: Go to WE19  - > Get template for Test based on Messag type

Step 3: Get an idea on what to fill in template using WE60 tcode (look for Documentation)
You can also find XML templates in internet for message type.

Step 4: Run and make sure it works.  Now, note down if you require any additional fields.


Thursday, March 20, 2014

EDI Idocs files

Path:  Dropbox -> CMS -> EDI Idocs

Basis Tcodes

SUIM - User Info system
SU10 - Mass change of User data (address, auth etc)

S_BCE_68001430 - Compare roles between users

SPAD - Printer setting (Lock/Unlock) - we can lock/unlock in bulk by Importing/Exporting file

DB02 - Size of Disks - Free space - and other DB related data

ST01 - Traces  - You can trace authorization checks - in case SU53 didnt work, use this - good one

SM01 - Lock transaction codes from users  - good one (if you want users not to use this irrespective of their roles)

SM02 - Set System message - which pops up on Login

RZ04 - Check work process allotment - Operation modes - you can give different allotment for different timings.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Webservices Links

Certificates in SAP

STRUST is tcode to setup certificates in SAP

You can setup SSL certificate for your web service and then share the certificate details with third-party , so that to establish secure connection.  - Set for everything.. Import and add to Certif list

After the certificates are set , then do a restart of ICM(smicm->admin->ICM->Restart->Yes).

And to map certificate to user id, Go to SM30 -> view VUSREXTID, type=DN -> maintain user id for certificate and tick 'Activated'.  Also check if the userid has erquired authorizations.  'Min date' - better make it blank.. we faced some issues - as sometimes certificate valid date may go beyond that, and you forget to change this.

How to automatically select SAP client certificate in Google chrome

Monday, March 17, 2014

SSL Certificates

What is SSL and what are Certificates?
The Secure Socket Layer protocol was created by Netscape to ensure secure transactions between web servers and browsers. The protocol uses a third party, a Certificate Authority (CA), to identify one end or both end of the transactions. This is in short how it works.

  1. A browser requests a secure page (usually https://).
  2. The web server sends its public key with its certificate.
  3. The browser checks that the certificate was issued by a trusted party (usually a trusted root CA), that the certificate is still valid and that the certificate is related to the site contacted.
  4. The browser then uses the public key, to encrypt a random symmetric encryption key and sends it to the server with the encrypted URL required as well as other encrypted http data.
  5. The web server decrypts the symmetric encryption key using its private key and uses the symmetric key to decrypt the URL and http data.
  6. The web server sends back the requested html document and http data encrypted with the symmetric key.
  7. The browser decrypts the http data and html document using the symmetric key and displays the information.

Several concepts have to be understood here.

Private Key/Public Key:

The Certificate:

Webservices tcodes


SRT_UTIL - To monitor web service calls  - > Click on 'Error Logs'
SRT_UTIL - We can configure (set up) logging for a user for particular service definitions - helps in logging (performance, functional, payloads). Set 'Functional trace' to 'Low' for user in Configuration tab. Then check in 'Funct Trace' tab for logs.

Webservices need to be set up in authorization role (if WEBUSER soesnt have SAP_ALL).
ST01 - this can be used to see what authorizations are missed for WEBUSER (user for webservices)

SMICM-> Goto->Tracefile->display all
SMICM -> Goto -> Trace level (Level 3 is highest)
SAP note 495911 - to trace errors for Logon problems
After setting logs (level 3), if you set system parameter (rz10) icn\trace_secured_data to '1' (TRUE), then you can see SSL data in logs.

SAP note 1292171 - Troubleshooting Guide: ABAP Web Services Runtime  (is good)

SOAMANAGER -  You can use this tcode as well to check logs (it is similar to SRT_UTIL)

SE80 - Go to 'Edit Object' and then check for Enterprice services - Service definition

STRUST -  To setup certificates  After the certificates are set , then do a restart of ICM(smicm->admin->ICM->Restart->Yes).

SICF - Maintain services

SMICM - ICM monitor   (SMICM-> Goto->Tracefile->display all , SMICM -> Admin->ICM->Restart  , SMICM->Goto->Connections )


Host name, Port name details

To get host name from SAP:

Tcoed: SICF -> GoTo -> Port Information

You can also call FM /SDF/GET_ICM_VIRT_HOST_DATA

Thursday, March 13, 2014

CRM Tips

- BSPWD_COMP_EXT - table to find enhancements for a spot

- To find all shortcuts in WEBUI - ctrl+Alt+shift+F2

CRM ERP scenario (LORD) performance improvement:

CRM - Switch-off all enhancements :  Parameter WCF_IGNORE_ENHANCEMT - set 'A' (Active) in SU01 (User master)

ORG_DOWNLOAD - tcode used to update buffers after doing org data changes in CRM - see program of this tcode (it says buffer update)

Monday, March 10, 2014

SAP Basis general knowledge

The components SAP_BASIS and SAP_ABA as also SAP_BASIS tell you about NW release. SAP_APPL will tell you about your ECC release. if it is 605 then you have an EHP5 system.

Support Pack - This is a bunch of SAP notes - when SAP thinks there are a bunch of notes (corrections) on current version, it releases all of them in a Support Pack

Enhancement Pack  -  This is more of an 'Application Enhancement' than a correction - New applications/functionalities can be inreoduced during new Enhancement pack upgrade.

ECC release -  No new release came after ECC 6.0  -  New release is very rare - but can come with considerable changes  - SAP stops supporting older versions (not completely, it depends on how old) when a new one is released

Kernel patch level - 4 methods to find out what level your kernel patch is
1. at OS level just type at command prompt disp+work -v then it displays kernel version or
2. at OS level just type R3trans -t then you will get or R/3 level login into sap from System menu -> select status then click on bellow arrow mark then you will get or
4.goto SM51 T-code then click on release notes button then you will get

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

RVIVAUFT - Third party Inter company

For third party scenario,  to create inter-company invoice use program RVIVAUFT

EDI Tcodes

WEDI - Area menu for EDI relavant tcodes

WE05 - Idoc List
WE19 -  Test tool for Idoc processing - you can run FM in foreground and debug (take an existing idoc and run it)
WE09 - Search Idocs for Business content (you can search for a field value) - You can change field values here and save (which then can be reprocessed using BD87/84)

WE20 - Partner profiles
WE60 - Mapping Structures/Documentation 

WE21 - Ports definition in Idoc processing  (setup SAPPI_PRD port here )

SALE - Idoc Interface ALE settings (setup distribution model, logical sys etc here)

WE30 - Develop idoc types
WE31 - Develop idoc segments

WE57 - To setup FM <-> Message type assignment
WE41/WE42 - Process codes

BD84 - Reprocess Idocs
BD87 - Status monitor

RSEOUT00 - Process all Selected Idocs (for Partner) - This way you can collect all Idocs for a partner and send them at a time.

VOE2 - To map customer to Sales area and Order type
VOE4 - To map customer ship-to (external) with internal number  (We dont want our customer to remember all the ship-to numbers.. do we?)

IDOC -  Idoc and EDI basis

Vendor to Us(our comp) mapping (for INVOIC type - vend invoice):
OBCA - Map vendor company code to our real company code
OBCD - Map External tax rate to Tax code
OBCE - EDI INVOIC Programming parameters


Pricing ABAP

RV61AFZB - Program that can be used to change pricing condition values- Subroutine USEREXIT_XKOMV_BEWERTEN_END  - ABAPER can play around and control the condition values - more flexible than calc routines (VOFM) - but not recommendable unless it is necessary

FI CO-PA postings for Pricing conditions

For FI  CO-PA postings for Pricing conditions

First, you need assign account key in Pricing procedure for the condition.

Tcodes used:
KE4I   - COPA assignment of SD conditions to Value fields  (transportable)
KEA6 -  Edit value fields     (not transportable - better do manually in each client - have to open client though in PROD)
KEA0 - Maintian Operating concern    (not transportable - better do manually in each client - have to open client though in PROD)

Monday, March 3, 2014

Workflow Tcodes

SWU_OBUF  -  To clear buffers - run this one when you push any new changes to Workflow template.

SWU3 - Initial workflow config/checks.

SWEL - Event trace logs
SWELS - Switch on Event trace

SWE2 - Event type linkage - link event with workflow task (receiving type), FM(used to determine receiving  workflow task)