Friday, July 24, 2020

Get string from xml response




Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Using HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION when there is a Secondary Infotype

Secondary Infotypes:

Using HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION when there is a Secondary Infotype

Note : Finding View Identifier is important.


        infty            c_residence_infty  "0048
        subtype          subty
        number           pernr
        validityend      me->it0048_old_end_date
        validitybegin    me->it0048_old_start_date
        record           p0048_residence_status
        operation        'INS'
        view_identifier  '08'
        secondary_record p3292_pvn_check
        return           return.

Service activation - System Alias error

Service activation

Issue when System Alias was not transported :  Go to SM30 -  /IWFND/V_MGDEAM – and put the new entry in transport