Friday, July 20, 2018

AET tips

How to generate(or regenerate) AET extension which was in error?
Go to tcode AXTSHOW and give extension and click on regenerate

How to modify AET field ?
AXT_EXT_PART_DTL  (Table) - In this table, you can modify field name (or properties) and then regenerate using tcode AXTSHOW. 
Note: If you change field name, then a new field will be created, then make sure u delete the old field from appropriate structures (like CI_EXTBUT000, CI_EXTBUT000_X etc).. Also, delete entries in Transport for old field name.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

CRM IC - Alert messages - Intent driven

To setup Alert messages in boxes shown below, we need to do this in Intent-Driven interactions and alerts.

After configuring services, make sure Business role is assigned with this service manager profile in functional profile ‘INTENT_DRIVEN_INTERACTIONS’.

In IC_MANAGER role, we need to configure rule policy for alerts. Here we can use services as attributes in conditions.  Services will have associated class (SE24) where Execute method will determine if it is passed (value 1) or not. This way it can be used in conditions.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thursday, April 5, 2018

HR data Transport issue

Transport issue with Auto-retrofit and Copy-Client via SCC1

Some times Auto retrofit and SCC1 will not move HR data.  In that case do below.

<![if !supportLists]>-       <![endif]>May be try doing Dot save on HR data first

<![if !supportLists]>-       <![endif]>Then run program to put them back to TR in Retrofit system RHMOVE30 

Thursday, February 1, 2018

How to find Genil Class for UI component

To find genil class from ui component.
1. check the model component set assigned to bsp component in the run time repository. for eg ONEORDER/ALL
2. this component set will have genil components assigned to it.. genil components BT/BP etc.
3. you can find these component detail in spro customizing.
Spro->CRM->cross appl. comp.->genil->basic settings->component :
Under respective genil component you can find implementation class assigned.
for eg. BT -> cl_crm_btil
BP -> cl_crm_buil

Notes: You can put a break point in this class-method and try running the bol query in Genil_Bol_Browser – which will trigger this breakpoint