Thursday, February 26, 2015

Barcodes in SAP script do not print

Barcodes in SAP script do not print on printer unless module is plugged into printer.

You can alternatively use smartforms

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Assign multiple business roles to user

You can assign all/single roles using SU01 parameter CRM_UI_PROFILE (give role name or * for all roles)

If you want to assign multiple (example: 3 roles), then use PPOMA_CRM
Here, please create an position, then via the menu path Goto -> Detail object -> Enhanced object description, assign a UI profile to Business Role. Now all the users assigned to this position will take the UI profile. One user can be assigned to multiple positions, so you can give one user more than one UI profile.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

PO pricing condition coming from last PO

SPRO-> Material Management -> Purchasing -> Environment data -> Define Default Values for Buyers -> Setting for Default values -> 'Price adoption' tab

Here, if 'Always' is selected, then system looks if price PB00 is not determined (or not valid), then try to get price from last order with same material, plant, vendor etc..

Friday, February 6, 2015

CRM Message container

    lr_mess_cont     TYPE REF TO cl_crm_genil_global_mess_cont,
    lv_msg_number    TYPE symsgno,

    lr_mess_cont ir_root_list->get_global_message_container).
    IF lr_mess_cont IS BOUND.
      CASE lv_subrc.
        WHEN '1'.
          lv_msg_number '010'.
        WHEN OTHERS.
          lv_msg_number '018'.
        iv_msg_type       cl_crm_genil_global_mess_cont=>if_genil_message_container~mt_error
        iv_msg_id         'CRM_ERP_IL'                    "#EC NOTEXT
        iv_msg_number     lv_msg_number
        iv_show_only_once abap_true ).