Monday, September 29, 2014

Send email from Job spool

Schedule a job with spool output
Click on Spool recipient in SM36 and set distribution list

Distribution list can be setup in SO15 -> Give email ids in distribution list.

SAP Licences Audit tcodes

USMM:  is a good tcode for Audit.
USMM -> System measurement
USMM -> Measurement statistics

SAP Audit tcode: Login to SOLMAN and go to tcode SLAW2

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Two Vendors in One Invoice ( MIRO )

Set Error message for message numbers M8-286 and M8-287 in t.code:OMRM and specially in t.code:OBMSG.
Now try doing invocing(MIRO) for purchase order  by changing vendor number/code, system will show you the error message.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Stock Determination Procedure

Used in case 'Post Goods Issue with Vendor Consignment stock'

Detailed document in Dropbox -> CMS

Pricing reports

V/LA - Create SD Pricing report  (Select fields, and tables)
V/LD - Execute Pricing report

M_LA - Create Pricing report (MM)
M_LD - Execute Pricing report (MM)

CRM : To find Query object

The best way to get the name of a query service is using the transaction GENIL_MODEL_BROWSER . If you don't find out what you need there then just set a break-point in the method GET_INSTANCE, in classes:
CL_CRM_BOL_QUERY_SERVICE (Regular query services)
CL_CRM_BOL_DQUERY_SERVICE (Dynamic query services)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Web UI Design Layer issue

When you add custom value nodes, some times they dont apear in 'Available fields' list in Configuration. This is because, in design layer the field (or <DEFAULT> setup) has got 'Hidden' field set.

You can try setting Design Layer in below links.

SPRO -> CRM -> UI framework -> Design Layer
For LORD ERP, see 'Define eference Design objects'

CRM Web UI - Design Layer

Design Layer is used to control designing of field (like hidden, label etc). This is in between bsp view and bol layer. This way we can control similar fields in different views at a time.

SPRO -> CRM -> UI framework -> Design Layer
For LORD ERP, see 'Define eference Design objects'

In the UI framework, some Design relevant settings can be made. These settings have to be made per view (context nodes and their attributes), which is not always what user wants: If a single field occurs on many views, the settings should be made once and then influence all views carrying this field.
The purpose of the design layer is to define a layer which is logically positioned between the BSP view layer and the BOL layer to make UI relevant settings for many view in one go.

The design layer links UI related settings to a new, more general design object which spans several views implementing the same business content. The UI related settings are simple field settings which are likely to be changed by customers and application developers:
  • Field visibility
  • Field labels
  • Mandatory field
  • Disabled field
Customizing Design Layer :
Use transaction BSP_DLC_SDESIGN to maintain the SAP delivered design layer customizing.
  1. Select an object type. Please note that this object type is not necessarily the same object type used by the application controllers and multilevel configuration. This means that this object type could be a generic object type for use with the design layer.
  2. For an object type maintain design objects, which define the design layer settings. The assigned BOL entity is used to determine the possible attributes.
  3. For each design object assign the design settings: This can be done for ALL attributes of the given BOL entity and for specific exceptions to this with a specific BOL attribute name. Select whether fields using this design are hidden, mandatory or disabled and what field label they have.
Assignment of Design Layer to Context nodes :
1. In the workbench (transaction BSP_WD_CMPWB) select a full context node or an individual context node attribute to assign the design object.
2. If used on attribute level, you may enter a BOL attribute name, if it differs from the context nodes attribute name.